
My Inspiration: Luxe Guides

The Luxe Guides have been my essential travel companions over the last few years now, and I've always wondered about the genius who came up with them. It's literally come to my rescue in hard-to-navigate places (from planning a stylish event in Cambodia with 50 international participants to escaping the first time Phuket tourist mistake when everyone else was headed to Patong - no way ever!)
Read on for the inspiring story behind the founder...

I found an article about Grant Thatcher, Luxe Guide's founder and his story to these guides. It's inspiring to hear about his lightbulb moment - how an A4 list of fun places in Bangkok eventually became one of the world's most stylish travel guides. 

My two main take aways from his story are: First, you have to be true to yourself, be a unique voice and focus on your passion. Where many of his competitors catered to a wide demographic, I found that the Luxe Guides felt more personal & entertaining. Second, is that one should be ready to embrace change and remember to have fun in the process. As Thatcher says, "the business of smart travel should always be enjoyable. If it ain't fun, it ain't LUXE."

Please click on the link if you'd like to read the full article.

Starting the new year with a dose of inspiration,

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